Weight loss is something that majority of the population struggles with at least one point in their life. There is so much conflicting information on the internet that most people find it difficult to know what is safe and effective for their own body. Numerous factors lead to weight gain therefore, there is no “one treatment fits all” approach. Every person is unique and requires their own individual treatment. At SNM, our approach typically involves exploring the following:

Identify Food Sensitivities – Food sensitivities (not to be confused with food allergies) are a common cause of weight gain. If your weight “yo-yos” quickly from one day to the next then you may have food sensitivities. These food intolerances are usually caused by an immune reaction involving IgG antibodies that can be identified using a blood test. Ask your ND about taking an RMA Food Sensitivity Test during your next appointment. Research shows that removing IgG food sensitivities helps with weight loss.

Support Digestion – Sluggish digestion can cause food to sit in the digestive tract and lead to weight gain. Certain herbs can help stimulate digestion and ensure your food is being broken down and moving through your digestive system in a timely manner. Your ND can recommend a supplement that is right for you.

Improve Gut Flora – Supplements containing probiotics or “good bacteria” can help weight loss by populating your gut with healthy bacteria. The types of bugs in your gut can significantly impact weight.

Meal Plans – We help create meal plans that help lose weight without counting calories. We have an experienced team who can help you with your nutrition needs in a way that fits your lifestyle.

Manage Stress – When your stress hormones are high, this increases sugar cravings. In addition, cortisol causes muscle wasting and belly fat accumulation. Balancing cortisol using herbs and stress management techniques can help weight loss. Ask your ND about our advanced hormone testing at your next appointment for a deeper look at your health. Services we offer for stress management include massage therapy, acupuncture, Somatic Experience counselling, IV therapy and lifestyle changes.

Exercise – Increasing physical activity helps with weight loss. We can provide tips and encouragement that fit your lifestyle to keep you motivated.

Address Hormonal Imbalances – In some patients, hormonal balancing protocols can be helpful for patients to lose weight. Your ND can recommend several different approaches that may help.

Monitor Progress We monitor patient’s progress using a bioimpedance analysis machine (BIA). This device tracts muscle, fat, resting metabolism and water composition. The BIA machine helps patients understand how foods impact their health and what type of weight they are losing.


Disclaimer: This content is subject to change. The information is intended to inform and educate; it does not replace the medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. © 2022 Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine Inc. All rights reserved.