
Allergy Season - Tips to help you through!

Spring has arrived, and with it comes allergy season. If you struggle with seasonal allergies, your Naturopathic Doctor has many tools to help support your health during this time!

Here’s a few tips to help you get started:

  • Neti Pots are a useful tool during allergy season to help rinse the sinuses.

  • A HEPA filter in your home, bedroom and/or office can help reduce pollen exposure in the air during peak times.

  • Probiotics of certain strains have been well-researched to help shift the immune response away from a state (called Th2) that is responsible for mounting allergies.

  • Vitamin C can help stabilize mast cells, which are responsible for releasing histamine into blood circulation, leading to symptoms of allergies. Some vitamin C formulas contain bioflavonoids (for example, quercetin) which can help to support the anti-histamine response.

  • Reducing stress and getting good quality sleep will help to reduce inflammation in allergy season.

As always, discuss whether supplements are right for you with your Naturopathic Doctor!