health optimization

Make Every Day Self-Care Day!

Our busy, modern lives can sometimes make it hard for us to tune into our body’s needs. Here are some of our favorite tips on how to keep balanced while keeping busy!

At home…

Get Outside

Being in nature has numerous mental and physical benefits. Nature therapy has gained popularity as a means to reduce stress and promote healing. Research has come to the same conclusion as nature therapy practices have been shown to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and the stress hormone, cortisol, when compared to measurements in other environments. (1)

Connect With Loved Ones

It likely does not come as a surprise that social isolation is associated with increased risk for mental health problems–in particular, depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders, and anger. Try to make an active effort to spend time with people you love whether you are able to do so in person or via a virtual connection. (2)

Screen Time Breaks

While technology has improved our lives in an abundance of ways, there can be too much of a good thing. Studies show that increased screen time is associated with negative outcomes such as lowered self-esteem, increased incidence and severity of mental health issues and addictions, slowed learning and acquisition, and an increased risk of premature cognitive decline. Use your screen time wisely–in moderation and with intention. Consider setting time limits on your devices and cleaning up your follow lists on social media to make your social feeds more of a positive space to engage with. (3)

Balanced Nutrition

Enjoying a balanced variety of nutrient-rich, whole foods to fuel your body optimally helps to reduce inflammation and keep your blood sugar (and moods) stable. In general, you should aim for half of your plate to be vegetables, 1/4 complex carbs (whole grains, starchy vegetables), and 1/4 protein. Healthy fats should be incorporated into each meal (avocado, nuts, olive oil, etc), and fruit makes for excellent snacks or dessert. Water intake is imperative for the maintenance of good health and most healthy adults should aim for 2-3L of water daily.


It’s not just for beauty! As neuroscientist Matthew Walker says, “There does not seem to be one major organ within the body, or process within the brain, that isn’t optimally enhanced by sleep (and detrimentally impaired when we don’t get enough).” Adequate, quality sleep (7-9 hours per night) is vital for tissue regeneration, and slacking on your sleep can increase your propensity for weight gain, chronic disease, and even cancer. If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, our naturopathic doctors would love to help!

At Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine…


An effective traditional therapy for many conditions including stress, anxiety, sleep, pain, digestion, and hormonal concerns.


Our knowledgeable massage therapists offer relaxing and therapeutic massage as well as myofascial release and patient self-care education such as stretching, strengthening and postural awareness.

Somatic Experiencing™

Somatic Experiencing™ is a body-based approach to treating the effects of trauma. Specifically, the symptoms that arise when trauma is held in the body, including chronic or severe pain that does not respond well to medication, headaches, digestive issues, fear, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and depression. Somatic Experiencing™ works with the nervous system and the body’s innate ability to heal and recover from the symptoms of physiological stress. Treatment is gentle, supportive and enhances the effectiveness of the traditional exercise-based physiotherapy and counselling approaches.

Nutritional IV Therapy

IV nutrient therapy is a method of administering water-soluble nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids) directly into the blood stream. When you infuse nutrients intravenously, you bypass the digestive system, and this achieves a higher blood concentration beyond what is orally possible, especially if digestive function is compromised. Great for many conditions as well as health optimization and energy support. (See our website or call the clinic for more details).

Targeted Therapeutics

If you are looking for a comprehensive approach to your self-care, book a consultation with one of our naturopathic doctors who will conduct a thorough assessment of your health and come up with a customized plan just for you! With a variety of treatment modalities and testing options available, a targeted treatment plan can eliminate some of the guess-work and help you reach your self-care goals more quickly.

Written by Jacalyn Sieben ND


1. Hansen, M. M., Jones, R., & Tocchini, K. (2017). Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) and Nature Therapy: A State-of-the-Art Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(8), 851.

2. Henssler, J., Stock, F., van Bohemen, J. et al. (2021). Mental health effects of infection containment strategies: quarantine and isolation—a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 271, 223–234.

3. Neophytou, E., Manwell, L.A. & Eikelboom, R. (2021). Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Neurodevelopment, Learning, Memory, Mental Health, and Neurodegeneration: a Scoping Review. Int J Ment Health Addiction 19, 724–744. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-019-00182-2


Interested in IV therapy to help you feel on top of your game?

Here’s what you need to know:

IV therapy is available at our clinic for current patients of our clinic. If you are not a patient of the clinic, please book an initial visit with one of our doctors.

(If you are under the care of a naturopathic doctor or integrative medical doctor outside this clinic, you may reach out to our reception team to request an external IV referral form to be completed by your health care practitioner.)

If you are a current patient and you are interested in starting IV therapy, these are the next steps you need to follow:

STEP 1 : Call in to book a 30min IV consultation appointment. Please note that Dr. Reid ND does NOT perform IV therapy.

STEP 2: Bring in any blood work that you have had completed in the last 6-12months to this IV Consultation.

At this IV consultation, one of our three IV trained naturopathic doctors will want to hear what your health goals are and assess your eligibility for IV therapy.  This assessment includes a review of your medical history,  current blood work, a brief physical exam and a discussion on options available to you.  Based on the IV required, baseline health, and the review of past blood work, the naturopathic doctor may request more blood work be completed prior to the first IV booking.

When the assessment is complete and you are deemed eligible for IV therapy, the naturopathic doctor will customize an IV treatment plan with goals, expectations, and monitoring parameters set out. The naturopathic doctor will inform you of how to prepare for you IV treatment and give you information on what to expect for the process. At this point, you can proceed to book you first IV with our front reception team.

After a series of IVs are completed, you may book a follow up IV consultation with your naturopathic doctor to review evaluate your response and need for ongoing IV therapy. (Usually updated blood work and/or imaging is reviewed at this time)

Optimize Your Health During Nutrition Month!


March is Nutrition Month! Nutrition is the study of how we, through our diets, get the nutrients we need to live. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, a quote attributed to Hippocrates, is a simple but powerful statement on the importance of our diet. Optimizing nutrition status - making our diets as healthy as possible - is one of the foundational goals in improving our health at every age.


A diet providing all of the nutrients we not only need to live, but need to live healthy lives, is dependent on many factors. We can generalize what a healthy diet looks like for the majority of people, however it is important to be aware of certain factors that can impact an individual’s nutritional requirements. For example, those who are pregnant will have different nutritional requirements than others. Additionally, certain medical conditions, treatments and even some medications can impact proper absorption of nutrients. Optimal nutrition is also a public health issue - for example, low socioeconomic status is associated with poorer nutrition [1] - possibly because it can be difficult to afford or even access healthy foods.

Although the food you eat is one of the most important aspects of nutrition, it is not the only important factor. Nutrition also involves how your food is broken down into nutrients, how well these nutrients are absorbed, how well your body puts these nutrients to use, and finally how well your body eliminates what it no longer needs and protects you from potentially toxic substances. 

How can a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) help optimize your nutrition? NDs have extensive training in nutrition, and can offer a variety of services and assessments to support your individual nutritional needs:

  • Lab testing to assess for nutritional deficiencies or conditions associated with nutritional deficiencies

  • Education surrounding appropriate diets for your health status and goals

  • Expertise on all aspects of digestion, including optimizing the absorption of nutrients and supporting your body’s ability to eliminate waste products

  • Assessing your current diet and making recommendations to support an optimal diet

  • Addressing obstacles that come up (ie. financial, accessibility, resources) that make it difficult to make healthier changes

  • Providing expertise on what nutritional supplements may be helpful for you

Interested in optimizing your nutrition? Book an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors today!

[1] Alkerwi A, Vernier C, Sauvageot N et al. Demographic and socioeconomic disparity in nutrition: application of a novel Correlated Component Regression approach. BMJ Open. 2015; 5(5):e006814.

Welcome Nicole Loran


Meet Nicole Loran! She is a 4th year student finishing her training in Naturopathic Medicine at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona. Nicole is a dedicated and hard working student who currently holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology and Pharmacology as well as a Arts and Science degree in Religion and Culture from the University of Saskatchewan. Nicole is involved in ongoing research through SCNM for psoriasis and is currently class Treasurer and Vice President of the Aesthetics Club at SCNM.

Education is extremely important to Nicole and she continually strives to further her knowledge in many areas including anti-aging, integrative, and functional medicine. She incorporates what she learns into her daily practice and strives to empower the patients with knowledge on how to improve their health.

Nicole has 2 years of clinic experience with a focus on general, naturopathic community and internal medicine, women and men’s health, endocrinology, botanical medicine, nutrition, nature cure, acupuncture, IV therapy, heavy metal toxicity and addictions.

Her interests include: endocrinology, women’s health, nutrition, weight loss, gastrointestinal health, metabolic disorders, stress, chronic fatigue and acupuncture.

Nicole is originally from Saskatoon. She is looking forward to spending one of her final months as an intern under the supervision of Dr. Velichka ND. Once her schooling is complete, she plans on moving back to Saskatoon to start her practice as a Naturopathic Doctor.

You can book in to see Nicole at our clinic ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the month of May. Nicole has experience in creating diet plans for patients with diabetes or PCOS and those who require FODMAP, anti-SIBO or ketogenic diets. Nicole will be assisting Dr. Velichka ND in her acupuncture services.

We are excited to have Nicole be a part of our clinic over the next month. We hope you get to enjoy the benefits from having her involved in your care!

Micronutrient Testing at Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine


At Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine we proudly offer Spectracell Micronutrient testing, one of the most comprehensive nutrient tests to assess the nutrient stores in your body that will keep you performing at the top of your game.

The Spectracell Micronutrient test allows your Naturopathic Doctor to assess how well your body utilizes 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites (listed below).


Why is this information important?

 Nutritional balance plays a key role in optimal wellness, chronic disease prevention and managing the aging process. Each nutrient in our body is responsible for specific physiological functions that make them unique and irreplaceable. Virtually all metabolic and developmental processes that take place in the body require micronutrients, and strong evidence suggests that subtle vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As well, evidence suggests that a lack of these vital nutrients may have a profound impact on the body’s immune system. Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking a multivitamin may not be enough. Every individual is unique and a micronutrient test will allow your Naturopathic Doctor to see where you might be lacking.

Who may benefit from having the Spectracell Micronutrient test?

Spectracell micronutrient testing can be very beneficial for individuals with the following conditions and disease:

            - Cardiovascular disease

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            - Diabetes

            - Neurological disorders/Alzheimer’s          

            - Mood disorders

            - Osteoporosis

            - Fertility issues

            - Cancer

 It may also be helpful to get tested if you feel like you are suffering from a nutritional deficiency or just want to stay on top of your health. Some of the signs and symptoms of a nutrition deficiency include: fatigue, anxiety, weight loss or weight gain, loss of appetite, tingling hands, muscle cramping, vomiting, heart flutter, skin conditions, depression, bruising, reduced muscle mass, muscle weakness, diarrhea, hair loss, digestive problems, numbness, nausea, constipation, impaired wound healing, and low libido.

The cost for this test is 620 dollars, which is pricey, but the results may help you save money in others areas by helping you cut out supplements you are currently taking that are not necessary for you at this time, and re-prioritizing the supplements that are truly addressing your body’s needs. For more information on the Spectracell micronutrient test book an appointment to speak to your Naturopathic Doctor or call our office to book in for a sample collection today!

**content adapted from Micronutrient Testing Nutrition at the Core of Personalized Wellness